Zfx Inhouse 5x - Control manual

Back Specimen
To verify the accuracy of the milling machine, it is necessary to mill a specimen every two months.


Therefore it is necessary to make sure if the following tools are in the tool changer:
PMMA_KF_D2/4 L15/25 - T21 ZFX06000954
PMMA_SF_D4/4 L16/27- T162 ZFX06000952

Furthermore is also one of this blanks needed:
Zfx™ PU Accurate grey 98,5x12 ZFX08002271
Zfx™ PU Accurate grey 98,5x16 ZFX08002273
Zfx™ PU Accurate grey 98,5x20 ZFX08002269

The milling program for these samples must not be calculated in the Cam software.
The programs can be send from the cam pc. Open the windows start menu by clicking on the windows symbol.
Scroll down to Zfx Inhouse5x. Now you can choose between the different blank heights.
By clicking on the right blank, the program will be send automatically to the machine.
Take care that you select the program related to the blank height.


The Program can be started like every other job from the job list.

Program Detail


After the milling take out the test part and do the measuring by using a micrometer like in the pictures below.
The height of every elevation must be measured separate. All fifteen values have to be entered in the value table next to the number of the measured elevation.


Besides it is necessary to measure twice the width of the specimen, which must be also entered in the value table.
First the width must be measured above the centerline.

Specimen Specimen

The last measuring point is under the centerline.

Specimen Specimen


Value Table
The value table can be downloaded by clicking on the link above.
Enter the measured result in the value table and check the Error.
All values have to be green. If a value is red (deviation biggerer as +/- 0,02) it is necessary to mill another specimen.
Before another specimen can be milled, the new values of the zeropoint must be entered in the "Machine Parameters".

Value table

Please contact the Zfx Service&Support Team for entering the adjusted values in the "Machine Parameters".