Zfx Inhouse 5x - Control manual

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Material Exchange

At the beginning of each program, you will be asked if the material is inserted.
By pressing "Discard mateial Exchange", the program will be started.
By pressing "Perform material Exchange", the cover will be opened and the material can be exchanged. After the material exchange and closing the door, the program starts automatically.

Material Exchange

Changeover from wet to dry

At the beginning of the program, you will be asked if the closure is inserted. You will be asked this question only after a changeover from wet to dry or from dry to wet.
For dry milling the closure has to be removed to guarantee the correct function of the suction.
"Closure is inserted" is opening the cover, so the closure can be removed. The program continues after closing the cover.
"Closure is away", the program will be started.

Closure Dry


Changeover from dry to wet

At the beginning of the program, you will be asked if the closure is inserted. You will be asked this question only after a changeover from wet to dry or from dry to wet.
For wet milling the closure has to be inserted, otherwise the oil is going to run into the suction.
"Closure is not inserted" is opening the cover, so the closure can be inserted. The program continues after closing the cover.
"Closure is inserted", the program will be started.

Closure Wet

Continue Program

If the cover was opened during a running program, this question will be asked after closing the cover.
"Cancel program", the job will be aborted. The job is still in the directory content and can be started again.
"Continue program" the job will be continued.

Continue Program