Zfx Inhouse 5x - Control manual

Back 102: Undervoltage DC-intermediate circuit
On the left side you can see which of the axis is concerned.
This warning message is indicating that the power supply of the indicated axis is not working.


Usually you get this warning message when you switch on the machine or one of the fuses has blown.
Therefore you have to check the fuses.

At first you have to turn off the machine to avoid injury or damage!!

You have to open it on the backside, the control cabinet opens with the control key.

Control Key

Now it is dependant on which generation of the machine you have.
The control cabinet of the Zfx060xx machines looks like the picture below.

Control Cabinet

-F2 24VDC Beckhoff control (T2A)
-F3 24VDC terminals (T4A)
-F4 48VDC converter spindle (T6,3A)
-F5 48VDC converter axis X (T4A)
-F6 48VDC converter axis Y (T4A)
-F7 48VDC converter axis Z (T4A)
-F8 48VDC converter axis A (T4A)
-F9 48VDC converter axis B (T4A)
-F10 Centrifugal fan (T2,5A / T4A)

To check the fuses you have to turn the black cap of the fuse you want to check clockwise, until you can pull it out.

Fuse Fuse

The control cabinet of the Zfx070xx machines looks like the picture below.

Control Cabinet

To check the fuses you have to open the black connector block by pulling forwards the small pin on the top.
-12F2 24VDC Beckhoff control (T2A)
-12F3 24VDC terminals (T4A)
-14F1 Centrifugal fan (T2,5A / T4A)
-14F3 48VDC converter axis X (T4A)
-14F4 48VDC converter axis Y (T4A)
-14F5 48VDC converter axis Z (T4A)
-14F6 48VDC converter axis A (T4A)
-14F7 48VDC converter axis B (T4A)
-14F8 48VDC converter spindle (T6,3A)


Now you can open the cover on the right side and take out the fuse.

Fuse Fuse

Now you can check if the fuse has blown.
If you can not see any damage please check the fuse by using a multimeter or put in another one which is working ok.
Because fuses can be broken even if they don't look like it.